
Altosio offers a great tool to migrate collaboration tools from and to several vendors. It allows you to seamlessly switch from one tool to the other, with a guarantee of no data loss. The migration software runs in the cloud, so you do not have to worry about installing anything. Everything is accessible from your web browser at
The migration tool is reliable, secure and lightning fast.

What is migrated in Wrike to Planner migration?

  • Projects
  • Boards
  • Personal boards
  • Permissions and memberships
  • Buckets (Custom Statuses)
  • Attachments with their metadata (created by, created at, modified by, modified at), including attachments on subtasks.
  • Tasks and subtasks.
  • Task details including title, assignees description, start date, due date, comments, attachments, completion, and checklists (Subtasks).

What to consider?

Wrike and Microsoft Planner are quite similar in shape. Your end users will not find any issue coping up with the changes as both tools look quite the same, and have almost the same functionalities. However, there are some small limitations on the Planner side that you might need to be aware of. These limitations are thoroughly documented in this article. Please give it a look.


The Altosio software runs in the Cloud and is hosted in Microsoft Azure data centers located in the Netherlands. Altosio is able to provide you with a static IP address from which the migration will run in order to secure your environments with Firewall access accordingly. Please reach out to to get it. You can also visit our security statement here.

It is also worth noting that the Altosio tool does not store anything internally. It reads data in chunks and pushes them in real time in the target. No data is cached or stored in the hard drive of the servers running the migration. Altosio does however store the unique Ids of files and tasks/cards that are migrated. This allows the customer to rerun the migration without duplicating data.