Sharepoint migration
Sharepoint migration


Altosio offers a great tool to migrate collaboration tools from and to several vendors. It allows you to seamlessly switch from one tool to the other, with a guarantee of no data loss. The migration software runs in the cloud, so you do not have to worry about installing anything. Everything is accessible from your web browser at
The migration tool is reliable, secure and lightning fast.

What is migrated in Sharepoint to Sharepoint migration?

  • Document libraries
  • Microsoft Lists
  • Folders and files within the document library with their metadata (created by, created at, modified by, modified at)
  • Site level permissions (members and owners and visitors)
  • Site pages (aspx files)

What to consider?

Moving from a tenant to the other is seamless. There is no change of environment, so your users will not have to cope up with any changes. However, there are some API limitations that won’t allow us to have a perfect migration. The limitations are enumerated below.

  • Complex Sharepoint pages are not migrated. Webparts migration is not supported.
  • Libraries, folders and file level permissions are not migrated. Only site level permissions are migrated over.
  • Complex Lists are not supported (Attachments and lookup fields).
  • Throttling during the migration may occur. Depending on how big your site is, it might take longer for your migration to finish.


The Altosio software runs in the Cloud and is hosted in Microsoft Azure data centers located in the Netherlands. Altosio is able to provide you with a static IP address from which the migration will run in order to secure your environments with Firewall access accordingly. Please reach out to to get it. You can also visit our security statement here.

It is also worth noting that the Altosio tool does not store anything internally. It reads data in chunks and pushes them in real time in the target. No data is cached or stored in the hard drive of the servers running the migration. Altosio does however store the unique Ids of files and tasks that are migrated. This allows the customer to rerun the migration without duplicating data.


To access Sharepoint, in the source and in the target, Altosio needs:

  • An admin consent to use the Altosio Azure Active Directory Application from your tenant. This requires a Global Admin account to grant the admin consent.
  • Your tenant’s domain. This could be either your commercial domain “” or your M365 vanity domain “”.
  • There is no need to provide an email and password for this kind of migration. The Azure AD application is enough.


Each Sharepoint migration consumes a Sharepoint migration license. The license is automatically allocated to the board and will get burnt as soon as the Site gets created in the target.
The license is Site based and does not depend on the number of users using the Site. However, it depends on how big your site is. Therefore, it is necessary to assess your source site to determine how heavy it is. This can be done with our sales team. 
After evaluation, the sales team will be able to provide a precise license cost based on the numbers of documents, document libraries and lists there are in the source. The license cost varies between $100 and $700.
The migration is incremental and supports delta passes, which means that you can restart the migration several times and it would still consume the same license that was originally assigned to it.

For any further inquiries related to licensing, please reach out to